Early Explorers Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: muslims : who stopped the spanish from walking to asia, hudson : who discovered a strait of water in northern canada?, isthmus : what is a thin strip of land that has water on either side?, cartier : who found the st. lawrence river?, columbus : who sailed in 1492?, coronado : who discovered the grand canyon?, plague : what killed more indians than guns?, verrazzano : who landed in north carolina and traveled up the coast to modern day canada?, spain : what country sent most of the explorers?, balboa : who sailed to panama as a castaway in a barrel with his dog?, asia : where are the explorers trying to get to?, cabot : who found modern day canada?, leifericson : who first discovered america?, poncedeleon : who was looking for the fountain of youth?, explorer : what is a person who discovers a unfamiliar area?, desoto : who conquered the incan empire?, missionaries : what do you call the people who spread christianity?, cortes : who conquered the aztec empire?, magellan : who was the first person to sail across the pacific?, vespucci : who was america named after?