Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

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Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

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  • suez: canal connecting mediterranean and red seas
  • persia: area of modern day iran
  • crimean : a war fought between the ottoman empire and russia for control of the black sea
  • greece: the ottoman empire began to fall apart, in 1830 _ and _ gained independence.
  • serbia: the ottoman empire began to fall apart, in 1830 _ and _ gained independence
  • french: the egyptians joined with the _ to build a canal.
  • british: eventually the _ took control of the canal and the surrounding nation of egypt.
  • oil: natural resource discovered in persia.
  • afghanistan: britain wanted to use _ as a buffer between india and russia.
  • russia: eventually _ and britain took control of areas of persia.
  • muslim: territories that came under british and russian control were mostly _ .