Causes of the Civil War Crossword Puzzle
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- secede : to leave or withdraw.
- railroad : underground _ - series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the south.
- discrimination : unfair treatment of particular groups.
- king cotton : cotton and cotton-growing considered, in the pre civil war south, as a vital commodity, the major factor not only in the economy but also in politics.
- draft : a system of required military service.
- fugitive : _ slave law- this law required that northern states forcibly returned escaped slaves to their owners.
- sectionalism : loyalty to one part of the country.
- missouri compromise : "compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in missouri. it was decided missouri entered as a slave state and maine entered as a free state and all states north of the 36th parallel were free states and all south were slave states.
- tariff : tax on imported goods.
- states rights : the ideas that states, not federal government, should make final decisions that affect them.
- abolitionist : someone who joined the movement to abolish, or end slavery.
- sovereignty : popular _ - the right of people to make political decisions for themselves.