Holocaust Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • resistance : form of opposition to nazi tactics
  • nostraaetate : document of vatican ii which sought to set right the relationship between catholics and jewish people
  • yellow : typical color of the star worn by jews.
  • zion : anti-semitic propaganda, protocols of the elders of zion
  • concentration camp : camp to contain, control, dehumanize and terrorize the jewish population
  • six : _ million jews lives were taken by the holocaust
  • holocaust : (greek) "holo" meaning whole + "kaustos" meaning burnt
  • eleven : total number of those killed during the holocaust
  • diaspora : dispersion of jews from their original homeland.
  • death march : forced evacuation of a concentration camp, under brutal and harsh conditions often leading to death
  • kristallnacht : "night of broken glass"
  • propaganda : messages designed in many different media
  • ghetto : living districts set up to isolate jews
  • pogrom : sudden attacks by non-jews on jews
  • jim crow : american laws that inspired hitler.
  • tikkunolam : jewish equivalent of catholic social teaching
  • selection : the separating of jews into two groups - those who will work and those who will immediately die
  • shoah : name many jewish people prefer to use when referring to the holocaust