Motivation Crossword Puzzle

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Motivation Crossword Puzzle

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  • intensity: element of motivation in organizations because it determines the level of effort and dedication that employees are willing to put into their work
  • motivation: process of activating behavior, sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular goal
  • direction: refers to the clarity and specificity of goals or objectives that individuals are working towards or expected to achieve
  • growth: refers to the needs satisfied by an individual making creative or productive contributions
  • valence: refers to the value that an individual places on the outcome or reward that they believe they will receive
  • relatedness: refers to the needs satisfied by the meaningful social and interpersonal relationship
  • persistence: element of motivation in organizations because it refers to the ability of employees to stay committed to their goals and work through challenges or setbacks
  • content theories: theories related to motivation that focus on analyzing the wants and needs of an individual
  • existence: refers to needs satisfied by factors such as food, air water, pay and working conditions
  • expectancy: refers to an individual's belief that their effort will result in a certain level of performance