Evolution Pace & Patterns Crossword Puzzle

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Evolution Pace & Patterns Crossword Puzzle

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  • gradual change : this model of evolutionary change involves slow changes over long periods of time.
  • punctuated equilibrium : this model of evolutionary change involves intermittent short bursts of dramatic, rapid changes, followed by long periods of time when few changes happen.
  • constant : the gradual change model of evolutionary change is based on the observation that an organism’s environment tends to be quite _ , and natural selection pressures on it do not change rapidly.
  • catastrophic : the punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary change includes a series of these types of events, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, which seriously affect organisms.
  • evolution : this can be defined as changes to gene frequencies in a population or species.
  • convergent : in this type of evolutionary pattern, members of different species come to look more like one another as they adapt to similar environments.
  • analogous : convergent evolution can result in these types of structures, which look similar, but are of different origin.
  • complex eyes : this is an example of an analogous structure found in vertebrates, cephalopods and arthropods.
  • divergent : in this type of evolutionary pattern, while members of a species become more similar to one species, it becomes less similar to another species.
  • homologous : divergent evolution can result in these types of structures, which are anatomically similar structures, but have different functions.
  • forelimb : this is an example of a homologous structure found in these bones of humans, dogs, birds and whales.
  • common ancestor : it is from the concept of this organism that later organisms diverge but retain homologous structures.