Germany and Propaganda Crossword Puzzle

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Germany and Propaganda Crossword Puzzle

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  • john bull: the male representation of the united kingdom
  • army: this was limited to 100 000 men.
  • conscription: is the term given to forced military service.
  • adolf hitler: the leader of germany during world war two.
  • malmedy: an area given to belgium during the treaty.
  • corridor: the polish _ was created after the first world war.
  • annex: the area was given to south africa to govern but not to _ .
  • prime minister: the office that sir lloyd george held at the end of wwi.
  • republic: the weimar _ . (another term for government.)
  • national: the _ socialist german workers party.
  • right wing: the term given to the political side that is very conservative.
  • goosestep: the type of march that hitler implemented within the party.
  • text: this feature of propaganda relies on using very emotive language.
  • rawandan: the _ genocide is an example of how radio propaganda was used.