The Neolithic Culinary Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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The Neolithic Culinary Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • agriculture : the practice of growing plants and raising animals for food. this was a key step in the development of cooking and food preparation.
  • domestication: the process of taming wild animals and plants so they can be used by humans. this was important for growing food and raising livestock.
  • gatherer : job in neolithic time that involved collecting berries and fruits to eat
  • cattle : large animal that provides beef, that is domesticated
  • fermentation : a cooking and preservation process where microorganisms break down substances like sugars, creating unique flavors and textures.
  • economy : the wealth and resources of a country or region
  • neolithic age : the final division of the stone age, the shift of hunting and gathering to growing food on a regular basis
  • specialization : the process of working in specific jobs based on talent
  • cook : benefit of fire to heat food
  • caves : what was used for shelter during paleolithic age
  • warmth : benefit of fire not to be cold
  • hunters : job in neolithic age that involved killing animals for food
  • farming : the activity of growing crops and raising livestock
  • bones : what were sewing needles made out of during the paleolithic age
  • paleolithic era : the earliest period of the stone age
  • light : benefit of fire to see at night
  • pig : animal that is domesticated provides food, pork
  • animal hides : what was used for clothing and to line their shelter during paleolithic age