Origins of Rome Crossword Puzzle

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Origins of Rome Crossword Puzzle

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  • appenines : mountain range running the length of italy
  • sicily : island near the toe of italy
  • tiber : river that rome was founded next to
  • carthage : city found in north africa, south of sardinia
  • latium : plain on which rome was founded, in central italy
  • romulus : twin brother who founded rome
  • aeneas : trojan hero and central character of the aeneid
  • etruscans : group of people north of rome, in etruria
  • togas : loose garments draped over one shoulder
  • tarquins : ruling family that treated the romans with cruelty
  • republic : type of government in which the citizens have the power
  • legions : groups of about 6,000 roman soldiers
  • legionaries : name for roman soldiers
  • gladius : short sword of the roman soldier
  • pilum: spear carried by a roman soldier
  • standard : tall pole topped with a symbol
  • roads : built between towns to increase travel speed in roman territories
  • mosaic : picture made from bits of stone