Renaissance Europe Crossword Puzzle

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Renaissance Europe Crossword Puzzle

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  • gama: portuguese explorer, the first person to sail directly from europe to india. started"age of exploration"
  • imperialism: "extension of power over a territory and its resources and people" is the definition of what word?
  • michelet: who coined the term renaissance?
  • portugal: the first european country to become involved in organized exploration was?
  • guilds: production of goods and trade in the towns were organized by cooperative organizations
  • aristotle: in relating humanism to an understanding of education, a famous thinker stated, "the educated" differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead" who made that statement?
  • spain: what country is recorded as having had the first ship to circumnavigated the world?
  • gutenberg: the printing press was developed by whom?
  • vernacular: he language that people spoke, such as italian, french, and english
  • renaissance: a period when people began to think about human nature, society, religion, science, art, and politics in new ways.
  • galilei: who built telescopes and studied objects in the sky
  • education: one of the most important ways humanists influenced renaissance society
  • peasants: the majority of people during the middle ages
  • machiavelli: "it is a good general rule about men, that they are ungrateful, fickle liars and deceivers, fearful of danger and greedy for gain.."by who was made this conclusion?
  • spices: many of the goods that italian merchants began to bring in by sea after the crusades were luxury goods, among the most sought-after and valuable trade goods were
  • astrolabe: an instrument that uses the north star or sun to calculate latitude, the distance north or south of the equator