Psychodynamic Approach Crossword Puzzle

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Psychodynamic Approach Crossword Puzzle

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  • family : psychodynamic _ therapy emphasizes the importance of the adult members of the family working out any conflicts with their own parents as a way to better understand the conflicts with their partner(s) and child(ren).
  • sigmund freud : who created the psychodyamic approach?
  • three : the psychodynamic approach consists of _ main different types of therapies
  • optimistic : a pro of the psycho dynamic approach is it created a more _ view of the treatibily of psychological distress
  • subjective : a common criticism of this approach is that freud's studies were _
  • childhood : this approach believes our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our _
  • psycho dynamic : this approach to abnormal psychology is based on the interaction of conscious and unconscious drives and forces within the person and between the different structures of the personality
  • brief : sometimes an individual struggling with a specific problem only needs to make a few important connections to overcome that problem. they could be best helped by _ psychodynamic therapy
  • treatable : a positive of the psychodynamic approach is that it was one of the first approaches that determined mental illness was _
  • art therapy : this type of therapy may be particularly well suited for those who are shy, as well as clients who are experiencing crippling anxiety or fear that music/art can soothe.