Gilded Age Crossword Puzzle

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  • gilded age : a description of life during the 1800's and early 1900's; looks great on the outside but is rotten on the inside
  • robber baron : an industrialist who exploited the poor/ their competition to gain wealth
  • captain of industry : an industrialist who helped america become a world power and made the lives of most americans better
  • monopoly : owning and controlling the production, quality, wages paid, and prices charged of an entire industry (oil, railroads, etc.)
  • andrew carnegie : used vertical integration to develop a successful steel industry
  • social darwinism : the belief that people who work hard and are responsible will succeed in life and business
  • philanthropy : charitable giving of money and/ or time
  • immigrant : a person who comes from a foreign country to permanently live in a new country
  • labor union : an organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions, hours, and wages for its members
  • henry ford : developed the assembly line method of production to produce large quantities of automobiles
  • assembly line : a production method that breaks down a complex job (building a car) into smaller, easier tasks
  • xenophobia : a fear or hatred of foreigners
  • nativist : a person who favors those born in his/her country and is opposed to immigrants