Origins of WWII Crossword Puzzle

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Origins of WWII Crossword Puzzle

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  • soviet union : in 1941, hitler invaded
  • deaths : 57 million
  • allies : united kingdom, france, ussr, u.s.
  • versailles : treaty that ended wwi and failed to keep peace
  • france : september 3, great britain and this ally declare war on germany
  • europe : by the end of june 1940, all of this western continent was under nazi control
  • soviet : four out of five german soldiers died fighting this army
  • twenty seven : millions of soviet citizens who died during their "great patriotic war"
  • czechoslovakia : incorporated into nazi germany 1938
  • austria : incorporated into nazi germany in 1938, along with czechoslovakia
  • panzers : specialized german tanks used to smash holes in enemy lines
  • rhineland : area of europe west of germany
  • blitzkrieg : lightning war
  • poland : september 1, 1939, hitler sends armies here, launching wwii
  • stalin : the cruel and cunning dictator of the soviet union
  • superior : hitler believed the german people were
  • axis : nazi germany, japan, italy
  • manchuria : japanese invasion, 1931
  • great britain : hitler's only remaining foe that refused to give in