Rome and Christianity Crossword Puzzle

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  • gladiators : men who fought one another for public entertainment
  • gospel : first 4 books of the new testament that teach the life and lessons of jesus from 4 points of view.
  • resurrection : coming back to life
  • baptism : a cleansing ritual by plunging into water
  • mercenary : soldiers who fought for pay rather than for their country.
  • orthodoxy : traditional or established religious beliefs.
  • romance languages : languages that developed from latin
  • trinity : the beliefs that god exists in 3 forms.
  • aqueduct : a channel that moves water over land.
  • deify : officially declared to be a god, and worshiped.
  • oratory : the art of giving speeches
  • pax _ romana : roman peace
  • inflation : a general rise in the cost of goods.
  • epistle : the formal letter written after the "gospel" that appear in new testament.
  • denomination : term for the various religious groups. some have similar beliefs but disagree about some things.
  • new testament : a newer version of the hebrew bible used some forms of christianity.
  • ethics : issues of right and wrong, and how to treat people.
  • conversion : a heartfelt change in ones opinions or beliefs.
  • satires : works of literature that make fun of their subject.
  • barbarian : the word that greeks and romans used for people who did not share their same beliefs. thought to be savages and uncivilized.
  • concrete : a building material made by mixing small stones and sand with limestone, clay, and water.
  • crucifixion : a slow and painful roman method of execution.
  • parables : stories with a moral
  • mosaic : a design formed by small tiles of glass, stone, or pottery
  • martyr : people who give their lives for their beliefs.