Brundall Village History Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Brundall Village History crossword puzzle.
- dutch: style of gables on the 17th century house, left of this iron relic (1)
- fish: type of creature on the remaining brundall house wall (2)
- finch: this sign is on the corner of ***** way (3)
- ties: function of metal attachments on the end of the 'manor house' (4)
- thatch: roofing material underneath this sign (5)
- minaret: type of pointed architectural feature on this building (6)
- grapevine: type of plant illustrated on this sign (7)
- italian: nationality of the people who scratched grafitti on this wall (8)
- laurence: brundall church is dedicated to this saint (9)
- lych: special type of gate outside a church (10)
- telephone : this building was once used as a ********* exchange (11)
- ram: inn where this clock once told the time (12)
- robinia: type of ancient tree outside this building (13)
- blakes: name of lane beside braydeston house (14)
- links avenue: name of road where this name plate can be seen (15)
- queen elizabeth: person who celebrated their 90th birthday in 2016 (16)
- europe: the letters v.e. stand for victory in ****** (17)
- golflinks : roadway from which this building is reached (18)
- triangle: shape of the civic trust award (19)
- springdale: name of building surmounted by this sign (20)
- running in: type of board recently restored to brundall gardens station (21)
- coronation: event celebrated by the installation of this plaque in 1953 (22)
- brundall house: home this avenue of lime trees once led to (23)
- kenmare: original name of the house with these chimneys (24)
- terracotta: type of ceramic used to decorate this building (25)