Europe in the Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle

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Europe in the Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle

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  • chivalry : the code knights followed that stated they should be brave and loyal.
  • famine : the little ice age led to a decline in food production, which caused extreme hunger, called what?
  • labor : the service offered by peasants to their lords in feudalism.
  • fief : the land given to a lord by a king.
  • roman empire : the fall of the _ _ is said to be the event that 'started' the middle ages. (two words)
  • vikings : the most infamous nomadic group of raiders in europe.
  • charlemagne : this king reunited central and western europe in the 8th century.
  • increased : even though trade declined due to the sudden loss of so many people, wages _ in the aftermath of the plague.
  • england : the hundred years' war was fought to drive _ out of france.
  • magna carta : the document that placed limits on the king's power - continues to influence governments to this day.
  • guild : business groups organized by craftspeople.
  • mountain ranges : europe had many of these landforms that isolated groups and encouraged growth of independent territories. (two words)
  • feudalism : the political, social, and economic system of the middle ages.
  • serf : a peasant that was bound to their lord's land.
  • protection : the service offered by knights to their lords in feudalism.
  • buboes : the black sores on sufferers of the black death.
  • wheeled plow : one invention that made deeper cuts in soil, which made farming more efficient. (two words)
  • vassal : a lower ranking noble who served a lord.