John Cabot Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: england : the country that john cabot sailed from, spice : john cabot wanted to travel to asia for his _ business, asia : john cabot wanted to sail here on his first voyage, italy : the country that john cabot was born in, son : sebastiano was john cabot’s _ , john cabot : he discovered canada in north america, great admiral : john cabot was named the _ when he returned from discovering canada, five : the number of ships that john cabot sailed with on his second voyage, japan : john cabot want to sail here on his second voyage, mattea : she was john cabot’s wife, henry vii : the king that sponsored john cabot’s first voyage, three : john cabot had _ sons, giovanni caboto : john cabot’s real name, matthew : the name of the boat that john cabot sailed on his first exploration