Civil War and Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle

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Civil War and Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle

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  • fort sumter: first battle of the civil war,
  • lincoln: president of the united states,
  • davis: president of the confederate states,
  • thirteenth: amendment that abolished slavery,
  • freedmen: bureau that helped freed slaves learn how to read and write,
  • lee: general of the confederate army,
  • fifteenth: african american males were allowed to vote under this amendment,
  • black codes: laws that restricted african americans in society,
  • galveston: major port city in the confederacy where a major battle took place,
  • appomattox: location where lee surrendered to grant,
  • grant: general of the union army,
  • palmetto ranch: last battle of the civil war even after the surrender in virginia,
  • fourteenth: amendment that guaranteed citizenship to former slaves,
  • hiram revels: first african american senator,
  • sharecropping: economic system that replaced the plantation system in the south,
  • juneteenth: holiday celebrated in texas to celebrate the freedom of slavery in galveston,