Ancient Israel Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Israel Crossword Puzzle

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  • phoenicians : prosperous sea traders who established a great network of trading posts.
  • amalekites : group of people that were defeated because of god's power flowed through moses' staff
  • assyrians : the people to whom the northern kingdom and the hittites fell in the 700s b.c.
  • joshua : the leader of israel after moses' death
  • saul : 1st earthly king
  • northern kingdom : israel; fell to the assyrian empire in the 500s b.c.
  • tyre : one of the independent phoenician cities
  • mountsinai : place where god made a covenant with moses.
  • samuel : leader who warned israel against the dangers of having an earthly king.
  • jericho : fortified city that fell at the sound of trumpets and shouts.
  • asiaminor : area between the black sea, mediterranean sea, and the euphrates river.
  • hattusas : hittite city burned by the assyrians.
  • chaldeans : the people to whom the southern kingdom fell in the 500s b.c.
  • southern kingdom : judah; fell to the chaldean empire in the 500s b.c.
  • solomon : the king who asked god for wisdom
  • david : the king who led israel to the peak of its greatness
  • moses : leader who received the 10 commandments at mt. sinai
  • hittites : group of people who controlled an empire in asia minor and who used their resources for war and conquest.
  • sideon : one of the independent phoenician cities
  • jordan river : the river god parted to allow israelite to cross over into canaan
  • carthage : phoenician trading post which grew into a large city.