French Revolution and Napolean Crossword Puzzle

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French Revolution and Napolean Crossword Puzzle

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  • abdicate : to step down from power
  • austerlitz : battle of _ ; napoleon's victory in austria
  • code : napoleonic _ ; contained enlightenment principals such as equality of all citizens, religious toleration, and advancement based on merit
  • guerilla : spanish for 'little war'
  • austria : country that invaded france to reinstate the monarchy
  • estates general : group of representatives made of members from each of the three estates
  • egypt : country where napoleon was defeated trying to break trade routes between britain and india
  • bread : rising costs of this was a factor leading to the french revolution
  • belgium : one of the countries napoleon annexed in france
  • russia : country that used a scorched earth tactic to defeat napoleon
  • clergy : first estate
  • nobility : second estate
  • citizen : what french civilians called each other as a symbol of equality
  • robespierre : nicknamed "the incorruptible"
  • continental system : napoleon's attempt to close european ports to british goods
  • emigre : person who leaves his or her country for political reasons
  • napoleon : self-proclaimed emperor of france
  • versailles : royal palace 17 miles outside of paris
  • bourgeoisie : french middle class; part of third estate
  • battle of trafalgar : where horatio nelson defeated napoleon
  • blockade : shutting of ports to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
  • waterloo : napoleon's final defeat
  • first consul : napoleon's title in the consulate
  • bastille : weapons and some prisoners were taken from this medieval fortress