Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • culture : the set of beliefs, behaviors, and traits shared by a group of people
  • status : a person's rank compared to others
  • forager : a person who lives by gathering food
  • specialization : performing a specific task to be efficient
  • technology : the use of advanced tools to solve problems; an ability gained by the practical use of knowledge
  • paleolithic : relating to the earliest period of the stone age
  • domesticate : to tame for human purposes
  • shrine : a place where people worship
  • revolution : an extreme change affecting people's lifestyle
  • ice ages : times when glaciers covered much of the earth's land
  • bronze age : the period in human history when people began to make and use bronze
  • irrigation : a system that supplies dry land with water through ditches, pipes or streams
  • monarchy : a government whose ruler, a king or queen, inherits the position from a parent.
  • seminomadic : practicing seasonal migration, while maintaining a base at which crops are grown
  • civilizations : complex society
  • expose : to reveal
  • archaeologist : scientist who studies objects to learn about past human life
  • nomads : people who move from place to place as a group to find food