Mexican Independence & Empresarios Crossword Puzzle
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- us : most people wanted texas to be part of the
- agree : settlers had to this with the mexican government
- segiun : who helped stephen f austin
- mosesaustin : first anglo empresario in texas
- six : amount of years mexicans did not have to pay taxes
- commanche : one group of hostile natives
- empressarios : spanish word for contractor
- spain : mexico was ruled by _
- land : empresarios were paid with large grants of
- tejano : mexican born in texas
- hostile indians : mexicans didn't want to move because of
- amuelkemper : the most successful filibuster
- increase : in 1825 did austin’s colony increase or decrease
- colorado : one river that sfa built in between his colony
- peninsulares : highest position in the social scale
- log : in the old three hundred what type of cabins did the colonists live in
- loans : empresarios provided settlers with
- equally : father hidalgo wanted all people treated
- hard : was life in the colony hard in the beginning or easy
- mexico : country spain lost control over
- north : in 1830 texas was divided between anglo settlers in the east and
- colonization : the law that gave the state governor the right to set rules