The Plantations Crossword Puzzle

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The Plantations Crossword Puzzle

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  • colonist : a person who settles in a colony that is under the control of their mother country.
  • culture : the language tradition and customs of the people.
  • confiscation : the taking over of other people's property.
  • the troubles : a period of violence and unrest in northern ireland beginning in 1968 and continuing till the mid 1990’s
  • orange order : a protestant organization that commemorates the battle of the boyne every 12 of july.
  • anglicization : becoming more english in language and culture.
  • sectarianism : caused by strong support for a particular religious or political group.
  • bawn : a fortified or walled enclosure used in the plantation of ulster.
  • unionist : a supporter in ireland of the union between ireland ( later northern ireland) and britain.
  • planters : the new settlers during the plantation.
  • nationalist : a person who believes in nationalism and in ireland and its independence as a country from britain.
  • colonisation : where a country takes over another country, spread its culture and settles its people there.
  • apprentice boys : a protestant society based in derry/ londonderry which commemorates that actions of the apprentice boys closing the gates of the city during the siege of derry in 1689.
  • the plantations : irish lands confiscated by the king could be sold or rented to loyal english settlers.
  • identity : the characteristics or features that make a person who they are.