4th grade Historic Indians Crossword Puzzle
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- imitating : boys pretending to be great hunters after they watched their fathers were _ their fathers
- animal furs : what kind of clothes all ohio indians wore in the cold winter
- crops : during the bread dance the people prayed for abundant _
- corn bread : type of bread eaten at dances by the indians
- colonists : who wanted to buy the land from the indians
- ohio : indian tribes wanted to settle in this state because it had animals, rich soil, and rivers they needed to survive
- erie : tribe that was an enemy to the iroquois, but they lost because of the iroquois's guns?
- legends : story that told a history of how things came to be
- village : type of chief that ran the affairs of the village
- moccasins : shoes all indians wore
- iroquois : which indian tribe was known for being great warriors?
- ottawa : what tribe was the best at trading?
- elder : what the indians called old people
- fruit : the miami women grew these trees for miles along the river valleys
- women : which member of the family had the job to farm and cook
- war : one type of chief that led the men into battle
- hunt : job the men did in the indian tribes
- deer : favorite meat of the indians
- tecumseh : famous shawnee chief