Sparta and Athens Crossword Puzzle

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Sparta and Athens Crossword Puzzle

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  • noble : were overthrown by the nobles
  • helots : greek slaves
  • democracy : all citizens share in the running of government
  • barracks : where the people in the military lived in
  • cleisthenes : he made athens a democracy
  • black broth : pork boiled in animal blood
  • reeds : what the children in the barracks slept on
  • oligarchy : a few people hold power
  • solon : the nobles turned to one man both sides trusted
  • lyre : this instrument was taught in athenian schools
  • spartans : they taught boys war instead of school
  • pisistratus : he divided large estates among landless farmers
  • lottery : athenians believed this was safer than an election because elections favored the rich
  • sports : spartans taught this to women
  • athens : a city that studied all of the arts
  • tyrant : they overthrew the nobles
  • ephors : they enforced the laws
  • greece : the country athens and sparta were located in
  • assembly : all spartan men over 30 belong to this
  • enforce : to cause something to happen by necessity or force