English Colonies in North America Crossword Puzzle
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- slave trade : the business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves
- cash crops : a crop, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities and sold for profit
- mayflower compact : an agreement that pilgrims wrote and signed describing how they would govern themselves in the americas
- proprietor : owner
- charter : a formal document issued by the king that outlined a colony’s geographic boundaries and specified how it would be governed
- mercantilism : an economic policy in which nations tried to gain wealth by controlling trade and establishing colonies
- authorized : to grant permission for something
- economy : the way a society organizes the manufacture and exchange of things of value, such as money, food, products, and services
- democratic : ruled by the people. in a democracy, citizens elect representatives to make and carry out laws.
- prosperous : wealthy