Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle

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Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle

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  • pardon : an official release from punishment for a crime
  • radical republicans : a republican who believed that congress should direct reconstruction
  • juneteenth : a legal state holiday commemorating the end of slavery
  • carpet baggers : northerners in the south working for a reconstruction government.
  • ku klux klan : a secret group of white men formed after the civil war that used violence and terrorism against african americans.
  • scalawags : a white southerner who supported reconstruction.
  • sharecroppers : a farmer who in exchange for labor is provided with seed tools living quarters and food and receives a share of the value of the crop.
  • reconstruction : efforts by the north to rebuild the south after the civil war
  • freedmen’s bureau _ : a program developed by congress to help freed african americans.
  • freedman : a former enslaved person
  • compulsory : required
  • black codes : laws limiting the rights of african americans passed by southern governors after the civil war.
  • provincial : a temporary regional government.
  • impeachment : to charge a state official with a crime leading to a trial in the state senate.
  • nullify : to cancel