Describing People Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: helpful : someone who helps other people, impatient : it’s the opposite of patient, silly : it’s the opposite of sensible, sensible : someone who makes good decisions, confident : someone who feels they can do something well, lazy : it’s the opposite of active, shy : it’s the opposite of confident, sensitive : someone who understands how other people feel, grumpy : it’s the opposite of cheerful, patient : someone who doesn’t get angry when things take a long time, uninspiring : it’s the opposite of inspiring, unambitious : it’s the opposite of ambitious, insensitive : it’s the opposite of sensitive, ambitious : someone who wants to be successful, talented : someone who is naturally good at something, inspiring : someone who makes you feel you want to do something, active : someone who does a lot of exercise, calm : someone who is relaxed and doesn’t worry, anxious : it’s the opposite of calm, cheerful : someone who is happy, unsociable : it’s the opposite of sociable, sociable : someone who likes being with other people, untalented : it’s the opposite of talented, unhelpful : it’s the opposite of helpful.