Ancient Australia Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Ancient Australia crossword puzzle.
- dreaming : the _ -the explanation of creation for australia's indigenous people
- gracie : girl who is caught at the train station
- spirit bird : this animal will always take care of the girls
- wave hill station : the place where there was a walkout and strike of indigenous people to fight for land rights
- devil : what the girls call the chief protector
- rabbit proof fence : the fence the follow to go home
- mr neville : chief protector of aboriginies
- archie roach : the singer/songwriter of "they took the children away"
- pilkington : doris _ garimara - the author of rabbit proof fence
- constable riggs : the man who threatens gracie to stay in the car
- vincent lingiari : the man who fought to have the lands of the gurindji people given back
- gough whitlam : the prime minister who poured sand through vincent lingiari's hands.
- jigalong : the girls homeland
- sorry day : a national day that occurs on may 26th every year
- stolen generations : the name for the generations of children who were taken from their families
- moore river : the christian mission that molly, daisy and gracie are taken to
- moodoo : the tracker who is trying to find the girls
- paul kelly : the man who wrote "from little things big things grow"