Medieval Medicine Crossword Puzzle

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Medieval Medicine Crossword Puzzle

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  • humours : hippocrates' theory was called the theory of four...
  • hippocrates : what was the name of the greek physician who came up with this theory?
  • galen : who was the roman physician who developed hippocrates' theory?
  • imbalance: hippocrates' theory was based on the idea of humours being what?
  • opposites : galen's theory was the theory of...
  • balanced : in order to be healthy, all humours must be...
  • blood : the four humours are yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and ...
  • church : what had a big influence on society in the medieval period?
  • dissection : what did the church ban in 1215?
  • hippocratic : what was the oath called were physicians swear to do no intention harm to their patients?
  • leeches : what was one method of blood letting?
  • purging : how would someone treat themselves if their humours were imbalanced?