U.S. Civil War Crossword Puzzle

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U.S. Civil War Crossword Puzzle

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  • slavery: the practice of forcing people to work without pay as enslaved people and denying them the freedom to decide how to live their lives.
  • plantations: large farms where crops were raised
  • civil war: a war between different groups of people or regions within one country
  • value: the way in which people make, buy, sale, and trade items or their services
  • abolitionists: people who worked to abolish or end slavery
  • economy: the system in which people make, buy, sale, and trade items or their services
  • expand: to spread out and become greater in size
  • issue: a problem or topic that people are talking about and may disagree about
  • confederacy: the government formed by the states in the south after they withdrew from the united states
  • union: the northern states that did not secede from the united states
  • rebels: the nickname given to the confederate soldiers
  • advisors: people who give suggestions or advice
  • yankees: union soldiers during the civil war; people from the northern states
  • defeat: failure to win