Ancient Greek Civilization Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Greek Civilization Crossword Puzzle

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  • salamis : they hid here and attacked the persians by boat
  • myths : were stories about greek gods
  • athens : most powerful city-state after the persian war
  • thermopylae : they blocked this narrow mountain pass off
  • democritus : was involved in the tales of miletous, name starts with a "d"
  • greeks : believed that the gods did not control everything, they looked for natural reasons for everything, they used the scientific method, they used hypothesis, and made observations to explain what was happening
  • tragedy : ended sadly and usually about the downfall of a hero, usually violently
  • aristarchus : was involved in the tales of miletous, name starts with an "a"
  • egypt to india : alexander expanded his empire this far
  • parthenon : finest example of classical greek architecture
  • king phillip : leader responsible for uniting greece
  • comedy : ended happily and usually made observations about culture, society, and politics
  • sarissa : 18 foot log pikes given by king phillip