The Wright Brothers: First in Flight Crossword Puzzle

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The Wright Brothers: First in Flight Crossword Puzzle

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  • orville : _ was more outgoing than his brother.
  • dayton : the wright brothers live in _ ohio.
  • wilbur : _ was quiet and a dreamer.
  • hawk : kitty _ is now the name of the wright brothers' first airplane.
  • buzzards : wilbur and orville watched _ fly to learn flying techniques.
  • carolina : the town of kitty hawk is in north _ .
  • december : the historic first flight was _ 17, 1903.
  • rudder : the _ on the back of the airplane needed to move on demand.
  • mother : the wright brothers inherited their mechanical ability from their _ .
  • gliders : early attempts to fly began with _ .
  • engine : it was very important to have a lightweight _ .
  • happiness : orville said doing what interests him is _ .
  • tilt : they discovered the wings of their airplane needed to _ like a birds.
  • bicycle : success in the _ business enabled the wright brothers to peruse their flying experiments.
  • helicopter : their father gave them a toy _ and started their interest in flying.
  • devil : strong winds on kill _ hill helped the first plane to fly.
  • banks : kitty hawk and kill devil hills are on the outer _ of north carolina.
  • seconds : the first flight lasted _ .
  • printing : the first business the wright brothers were is was _ .
  • armstrong : neil _ took a piece of the cotton wing of the kitty hawk to the moon.