Galileo Galilei Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: galilei : galileo's last name, inertia : galileo established the "principle of _ .", telescope : improved the _ which allowed him to prove his theories the heliocentrism to be correct, ptolemaic system : disproved the _ _ , which says that the earth is the center of the universe, astronomy : galileo helped develop the field of _ as well as mathematics, heliocentrism : the earth and the planets revolve around the sun, not the sun being in the center of the universe, religion : galelio believed that _ should not be the determining factor of what is right or wrong, interpreted : galileo did not oppose the bible, but opposed them who _ it, catholic church : with whom did galileo get in trouble with for his findings, medicine : galileo originally went to school to study _ , house arrest : due to his heliocentric beliefs, the church sentenced him to _ _ , holy sculpture : grand duchess christina had criticized the heliocentric theory for its repudiation of _ _ , pisa : galileo was born in _ , italy, arcetri : galileo died in _ , italy, gravity : galileo found that _ affects all objects equally, bible : the _ and its teachings should not govern how the state ought to be run, period : galileo discovered the formula for finding the _ of a pendulum, parabola : galileo found that thrown objects fly in the shape of a _ , tower of pisa : where did galileo supposedly did his tests on gravity?, galileo : _ studied physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy.