Industrial and Social Revolution Crossword Puzzle
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- sheep : animals raised to provide materials for textile factories
- entrepreneurs : men who developed businesses and sold their inventions
- patent : controlled the sale of inventions
- middle : the industrial revolution resulted in the growth of this class
- factory : centrally located building housing larger machines
- haiti : french colony that had a successful slave rebellion
- enclose : landowners did this to increase productivity
- paine : author of first known article in the american colonies supporting freeing of slaves
- fowler : developed first known self-propelled steam engine
- unions : these labor groups developed during the industrial revolution
- garrison : editor of the liberator
- britain : where the industrial revolution began
- whitefield : man with an international preaching ministry
- kay : invented the flying shuttle
- crop rotation : growing different crops in a field from year to year
- enrich : crop rotation did this to the soil
- slave trade : william wilberforce led parliament to end this.
- mccormick : invented the horse-drawn reaper.
- quakers : the first religious group to fight against the slave trade
- food supply : increase in this led to population growth during the agricultural revolution
- watt : improved the steam engine
- capital : money bankers and investors provided for entrepreneurs
- home : cottage industries produced cloth where?
- maryland : fredrick douglass was from this state