The 13 Colonies Crossword Puzzle

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The 13 Colonies Crossword Puzzle

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  • rhode island : which colony was started by roger williams?
  • connecticut : which colony was started by thomas hooker?
  • new hampshire : which colony was started by colonists escaping connecticut?
  • new york : which colony was started by the duke of york?
  • new jersey : which colony was started by friends of the duke of york?
  • pennsylvania : which colony was started by william penn?
  • maryland : which colony was started by lord baltimore?
  • carolina : which colony was started by business owners?
  • export : which word means- ship out of a country
  • slave codes : which word means- laws about slavery
  • cash crop : which word means- plant sold for a profit
  • apprentice : which word means- someone who learns a trade
  • assembly : which word means- meeting to make laws
  • charter : which word means- letter of permission
  • tolerate : which word means- accept
  • debtor : which word means- someone who owes money
  • massachusetts : which colony was started for religious freedom?
  • georgia : which colony was started for debtors?
  • delaware : which colony was originally part of pennsylvania?
  • philadelphia : where was the first settlement in pennsylvania?
  • tobacco : which crop grew well in georgia?