Early River Civilizations Crossword Puzzle

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Early River Civilizations Crossword Puzzle

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  • yellow : early chinese civilization started along the _ river.
  • upanishads : these are mystical poems from the ancient aryan people of south asia.
  • pyramids : the most famous structures left by the egyptian civilization are the...
  • sargon : the sumerian city-states were conquered by the akkadian leader _ , who many historians refer to as the first "emperor."
  • euphrates : mesopotamian culture was located between the tigris and _ rivers.
  • slaves : in sumerian culture, warfare was necessary in order to maintain the flow of...
  • patriarchal : mesopotamian culture, like most human societies, was male-dominated, or...
  • irrigation : early egyptian government became highly centralized because of the demands of maintaining a highly complex system of...
  • silver : sumerian trade was based largely on this precious metal.
  • hammurabi : the babylonian king _ created the earliest known law code.
  • cuneiform : the first known human writing system, invented by the sumerians, is called...
  • zhou : after the shang dynasty, the _ ruled by making alliances with other powerful families.
  • ganges : after the decline of harappa, aryans settled into the indus and _ river valleys.
  • toilets : one cool bit of technology from harappa and other indus valley cities was the use of...
  • harappa : the largest cities of the indus valley civilization were mohenjo daro and...
  • nile : early egyptian civilization was established along the banks of the _ river.
  • pharaoh : throughout the long history of the nile river culture, the egyptian monarch was known as the...
  • mandarin : the zhou dynasty encouraged greater national unity through the standardized use of the _ language.
  • vedas : early aryan literature includes sacred hymns called...
  • shang : the earliest chinese dynasty that we have definite documentation for is the _ dynasty.
  • pakistan : indus valley civilization sites are located mostly in india and...
  • polytheism : a belief in many gods is called...