African American Inventors Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: garretta morgan : invented the traffic light and gas mask, annie malone : invented cosmetics for african-american women, carver : george washington _ - discovered over 300 different uses for peanuts, patricia bath : invented the laser removal, banneker benjamin : wooden clock inventor, madam cj walker : invented the hair-growing lotion, janmatzeliger : inventor of the shoe assembly machine, walter sammons : patent for the hot comb, frederick : _ mckinley jones - invented refrigerated truck systems, wallace : _ wallyamos jr - inventor of the famous amos chocolate chip cookie, george crum : created the potato chip, alfred lcralle : invented the ice cream scoop, leonardcbailey : invented the folding bed, lonnie johnson : invented the super soaker water gun, sarah boone : inventor of the ironing board