Mesopotamian Innovations and Contributions Crossword Puzzle

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  • polytheism : the belief in multiple gods or goddesses in religion.
  • code of hammurabi : the world's oldest complete code of law. created around 1800 bce in babylon, the laws listed crime and punishments.
  • patriarchal : a society or family that is based around the males.
  • epic of gilgamesh : believed to the world's oldest story that dates back to at least 2100 bc. the story is known to have influence many bible stories.
  • cuneiform : one of the earliest forms of writing developed by mankind
  • babylon : the most famous city-state in mesopotamia.
  • social hierarchy : as a system of organizing society into groups and rank order them in order of importance to the society. often uses a pyramd shape
  • sumerians : thought to be the first civilization in human history, dating back to 3500bce, this southern mesopotamian group developed many things later groups advanced.
  • akkadison empire : a powerful group of central mesopotamia from about 2350 bc to 2050 bc highlighted by the rise of sargon the great.
  • priest : religious leaders who often hold a high position on social hierarchy.
  • babylonians : the most well known mesopotamian group rose to power around 1800 bce and dominated region until the persians took over in 529 bce.