Literary Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Literary Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • foreshadow : subtle clues to readers about what is to come later in the plot
  • imagery : describing people, places, or things in a way that appeals to the physical senses
  • irony : words or circumstances where meaning is different (usually the opposite) from the actual meaning
  • juxtaposition : two or more ideas, places, characters, or actions and placed side by side to show contrast
  • onomatopoeia : “gurgle,” “hiss,” “boom,” “whir,” and “whizz
  • alliteration : "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
  • hyperbole : exaggeration that’s not meant to be taken literally
  • oxymoron : “...the dumbest genius i know.”
  • metaphor : “the classroom was a zoo.”
  • simile : “he was as stubborn as a mule.”
  • personification : attributing human characteristics metaphorically to nonhuman things
  • theme : a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work
  • setting : time and place a story is set
  • plot : series of events in a story
  • protagonist : main character
  • antagonist : force or person working against protagonist
  • tone : an author's attitude toward their subject matter, conveyed through word choice, punctuation and sentence structure
  • mood : atmosphere of a piece and the overall feeling it conveys to the reader