Elements of Short Stories Crossword Puzzle

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Elements of Short Stories Crossword Puzzle

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  • third person : is when the narrator tells the story to the reader in third person or is on the outside looking in.
  • internal conflict : is when the character is facing a problem within themselves.
  • second person : is when the narrator tells the story to another character using the word 'you'.
  • characterization : is how the author introduces the character and their personality to readers.
  • indirect : _ characterization - the author gives clues or hints that tells the reader what the character is like through their actions, speech, thoughts, and how other characters react to them.
  • theme : the moral or lesson the reader is meant to learn from the story.
  • conflict : the problem or challenge the character(s) must overcome.
  • setting : is the time, place, and setting of the story.
  • direct : _ characterization - the author directly tells us what the character is like and looks like.
  • first person : is when the story is told through the main characters perspective.
  • external conflict : is when the character is faced with a problem from another character, from nature, or from society.
  • main idea : what the story is mostly about.
  • point of view : is the perspective the story is told through.