Nervous System Organization Crossword Puzzle
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- neurons : structural and functional units of the nervous system
- axon : neuron part that carries impulses away from the cell body
- dendrite : neuron part that carries impulses toward the cell body
- soma : neuron cell body
- somatic : division of pns that control voluntary skeletal muscle
- autonomic : division of pns that controls involuntary functions
- neurotransmitters : chemical messengers of the nervous system
- interneurons : neuron type that "makes decisions"
- myelinsheath : 'whitish' wrapping that insulates axons
- synapse : junction between neurons
- glialcells : cells that act as neural assistants
- sensory : neuron type that receives info. from sensory receptors
- motor : neuron type that carries 'instructions' to the body's effectors
- sympathetic : branch of pns that controls 'flight or fight' responses
- parasympathetic : branch of pns that controls 'rest and digest' responses