Human Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle

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Human Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle

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  • adrenaline: hormone which prepares the body for flight or fight responses
  • diet: the type and amount of food consumed by people.
  • gland: an organ or tissue that makes a substance for release, such as a hormone.
  • oestrogen: a female sex hormone produced in the ovaries, which is responsible for puberty in girls and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  • pituitary: an endocrine gland that is located just below the centre of the brain.
  • respiration: the chemical change that takes place inside living cells, which uses glucose and oxygen to release the energy that organisms need to live.
  • puberty: time during which sexual maturity happens
  • glucose: a simple sugar used by cells for respiration.
  • insulin: a hormone that regulates the level of sugar in the blood and can be produced by genetically modified bacteria
  • hormone: chemical messenger produced in glands and carried by the blood to specific organs in the body.
  • thyroxine: hormone produced by the thyroid gland that stimulates the basal metabolic rate.
  • diabetes: a serious disease in which the body is unable to regulate blood sugar.
  • glycogen: animals store glucose as glycogen in their liver and muscle tissues.
  • pancreas: large gland located in the abdomen near the stomach which produces digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin.
  • obesity: the medical term for being very overweight, owing to the excessive accumulation of body fat.
  • hypothalamus: the part of the brain that detects changes in blood temperature and water concentration.