Evolution Unit Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Evolution Unit Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • selective pressure : a force that causes a particular organism to evolve in a certain direction
  • index fossil : a type of organism that only existed for a short period of time
  • fossil : the preserved remains or traces of living things
  • adaptation : a change in the structure, function, or behavior by which a species or individual improves its chance of survival in a specific environment
  • favorable traits : traits that promote an organism's success in an environment
  • vestigial : a structure in an organism that has lost all or most of its original function in the course of evolution
  • homologous : a part that has a similar structure but different function
  • variation : differences in genes between individuals or groups of individuals
  • analogous structure : a part that has a similar function but a different look
  • natural selection : a process leading to organisms that are more adapted to their environment and are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success
  • dichotomous key : a tool used to identify different organisms based on the organism's observable traits
  • unfavorable traits : traits that do not promote an organism's success in an environment
  • anatomy : the study of the structure of the body of an organism
  • classification : used to group organisms in a meaningful way
  • evolution : changes in the heritable traits of a population of organisms as successive generations replace one another
  • fossil record : the use of fossils to help us understand the history of earth; another form of evidence for evolution
  • taxonomy : the science of identifying and classifying all organisms
  • artificial selection : a process where humans choose parent organisms with specific traits and allow them to reproduce