Latin American Countries! Crossword Puzzle
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- haiti : when columbus saw this island nation he thought that he had found india.
- cuba : this country was a spanish colony and part of the united states before gaining independence.
- venezuela : this country is home to the world's tallest waterfall, angel falls.
- elsalvador : this country is known as the land of the volcanoes.
- panama : this country is home to a famous canal.
- costa rica : in english this country's name means rich coast.
- colombia : this country is the leading source of emeralds in the world.
- honduras : this country has five stars on its flag.
- chile : this country has penguins.
- brazil : this is the largest country in latin america.
- bolivia : this country is completely landlocked
- ecuador : here guinea pig is considered a delicacy.
- peru : this country is home to machu picchu.
- argentina : this country is famous for its beef and barbecue.