California Dreaming Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: steinbeck: he wrote "the grapes of wrath" and "of mice and men", national parks: there are three in california, gold diggers: they were also called "forty-niners", hippies: young people in the 1960s who started the counter culture movement., california: the thirty-first state, happiness: it is a right written in the american declaration of independence, sacramento: the capital city of california, depression: the great financial and economic crisis in the usa (1929-1939), hollywood: a famous district of los angeles, gold rush: a period of time between 1849 and 1855, silicon valley: the place where big high-tech companies have their headquarters, drought: absence of rain for a long time, los angeles: the most populated city in california, beach boys: a famous music band of the 1960s, dream: it is associated to success, high tech: defines most companies of the silicon valley, fruit: many are grown in california, pacific: a big ocean west of california, prosperity: wealth and development of a city, state or country, melting pot: it refers to the multiculturalism in the usa, immigrants: newcomers from other countries.