Geology Fun Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: asthenosphere : the upper layer of the earths mantle, pangea : a hypothetical super-continent that included all current landmasses, earthquake : a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, crust : the outermost layer of the planet, hottest : hotter than hotter, inner core : the hottest layer of the earth, density : the relationship between mass and volume, continental : _ crust - the thick part of the the earth that forms the large landmasses, outer core : it is less hot than the inner core, geology : the study of earth, volcano : a rupture in the crust of earth that releases lava, layers : there are 3 main ones in the earth, convection : _ currents - the movement caused within a fluid of hotter less dense material, earth : the planet in which we live, upper mantle : the top area of the mantle, mantle : the thickest layer of the earth, lithosphere : the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, lower mantle : the bottom part of the mantle, oceanic crust : the thin part of the earth that underlies the ocean basins, plate tectonics : a theory explaining the structure of the earths crust