Earth's Spheres Crossword Puzzle

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Earths Spheres Crossword Puzzle

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  • atmosphere : the layer of gases surrounding a planet that is held in place by gravity
  • crust : the thin, solid, outermost layer of earth
  • sedimentary: rock formed when particles of other rocks are deposited in layers and cemented together
  • outer core : the outer layer of earth’s core; surrounds the inner core and is made of liquid nickel and iron
  • rock cycle : the cycle through which earth’s rocks change from one type into another over time due to various earth processes; creates changes in mineral compositions and physical structures
  • geo sphere : portion of the system of earth that includes earth’s interior, rocks and minerals, landforms, and the processes that shape earth’s surface
  • magma : melted, or molten, rock material beneath earth's surface; cools slowly to form rocks with larger crystals
  • hydrosphere : all the water on earth’s surface; includes all water sources above and below the surface
  • mantle : the solid layer of earth between the crust and the core; made of dense silicates
  • pressure : force exerted on matter through contact with other matter
  • lithosphere : another name for the geosphere
  • metamorphic rock : rock formed deep underground due to heat and pressure
  • cementation : when compacted sediments stick together and turn into rock
  • sediment : earth material that is broken down by processes of weathering; can be eroded and deposited by the agents of water, wind, ice, and gravity
  • oceanic crust : contains the oceans and the ocean floor
  • lava : molten rock, or magma, that has reached earth's surface by volcanic reaction
  • melting : when a sample of matter changes from a solid to a liquid
  • biosphere : the sum of all living matter on earth
  • weathering : the mechanical or chemical processes by which gravity, wind, water, and ice breaks rocks into smaller pieces
  • compaction : when rock particles or sediments are pressed together or packed down by gravity and the pressure of overlying rock layers
  • igneous rock : rock formed when lava or magma cools, forms crystals, and solidifies
  • inner core : the sphere of solid nickel and iron at the center of earth; surrounded by the liquid outer core