Earth's Interior Crossword Puzzle

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Earths Interior Crossword Puzzle

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  • asthenosphere : made of hot flowing rock
  • lithosphere : uppermost mantle and contains the crust
  • upper mantle : holds the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  • lower mantle : the thickest layer
  • destiny : as the layers go down, the _ increases
  • oceanic crust : underneath the crust
  • continental : _ crust forms all continents
  • fossil : a preserved remain in an organism
  • tectonic plates : how earth's crust is broken
  • crust : the layer of rock that forms earth's outer surface.
  • pressure : the force pushing on a surface divided by the area of that surface.
  • geosphere : the densest parts of the earth that include the crust, mantle, and core.
  • mantle : the layer of hot, solid material between earth's crust and core.
  • inner core : a dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of the earth.
  • outer core : a layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of earth.
  • density : the rate of the mass of a substance to its volume(mass divided by volume).
  • continental drift : the hypothesis that the continents slowly move across earth's surface.
  • pangaea : the name of a single landmass that began to break apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today's continents.
  • plate : a section of the lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere carrying pieces of continental and oceanic crust.
  • divergent : _ boundary - a plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  • convergent : _ boundary - a plate boundary where two plates move towards each other.
  • transform : _ boundary - a plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions.