Earth Science Unit 6 Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: scarcity : state of not having enough of something, trough : lowest part of a wave, sublimation : process by which solid water (ice, snow) changes directly into a gas, fetch : distance over which wind blows without interruption or change of direction, polarity : molecular condition in which one end has a slightly positive charge and the other a slightly negative charge, tide : alternate rising and falling of the ocean caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, precipitation : the release of water from the atmosphere, permeable : allowing a fluid to pass through, moraine : large area of rock and sediment left by a glacier, gyre : large, rotating current loops caused by the coriolis effect, thermocline : transitional layer between the mixed surface layer and the deep water layer in the ocean, firn : intermediate stage between snow and ice, up welling : upward movement of deeper, colder ocean water to the surface caused by wind, desalination : process by which salt is removed from saltwater, aquifer : underground layer of permeable rock from which ground water can be removed